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King Group of Companies






Use THE BACK AID for ONLY 3 MINUTES – twice a day. 


It could change your life forever!




If a back ailment is preventing you from living life to the full, and you have consulted all the specialists - but the problem still persists, then show this leaflet to your Doctor and tell him / her that you now intend to try THE BACK AID!                          




John Pope (see picture below), inventor of THE BACK AID (formerly Ezi-Disc) suffered back pain for 20 years.


At age 36 he prolapsed a disc and was off work for 6 weeks. The problem just got worse over time.


At 56 John was in constant back pain, which required weekly treatment and daily pain killing medication. His work performance was down to just 25%.


John knew of the benefits of traction, and how it can relieve nerve pressure, encourage the flow of endorphins (the body’s morphine like substance) and increase the flow of nutrients and blood to the pain site, so John concluded, that if he could get traction six times daily instead of once weekly, it might make a difference to his situation.


THE BACK AID was born. After 4 months of daily use, John’s work performance was back to 90%. John is now 79, and has had no need to visit the physio for the past 20 years. He rehabilitated himself. In the last 5 years he has built award-winning gardens and painted his house. His original injuries are still present – but he is WITHOUT BACK PAIN!!


John was on A Current Affair – twice. He was also on radio. Thousands of viewers and listeners purchased his wonderful invention. The King Group bought the rights, and now manufactures a modern version shipped in a sturdy carton for easy home assembly. John is our Consultant and the face of THE BACK AID. International Patents are Pending.




Included as a medical device on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods,  AUST I 146892. 


Intended purpose of use:

  • To provide self traction on the spine using a person's own bodyweight. 

  • To use self traction to relieve pressure on the intervertebral space and discs.

  • To relieve pressure on nerves.

  • To stretch the back muscles.

  • To help encourage the flow of endorphins, blood and nutrients to the site of pain and thereby help relieve back pain and various other back ailments. 

  • May also assist in relief of neck and shoulder tensions. 

  • Can also be used in conjunction with set exercises or movements to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles to further assist in relief of various back problems.





THE BACK AID has two arm rests and two foot rests. You stand on the foot rests, then place your elbows on the foam padded arm rests. You take your feet off the foot rests and allow your body weight to act as traction for your spine.


No lying down, no bending over, no hanging from a door, no getting down onto the floor. Simply adjust the arm rests to suit your height and width, walk in, turn around, step onto the foot rests and voila!




That’s the first part. If you do nothing else but use THE BACK AID for a short time, a few times a day, allowing your back muscles to stretch, thereby opening up the spaces between the vertebrae, then you would have started on the road to self traction, which may well lead to relief from pain.




As you relieve the pressure of your body weight and gravity from your spine, the spaces between the vertebrae - where the discs reside, are being opened up, thereby relieving the pressure on both the disc and nerve endings in that area, and encouraging the flow of endorphins, blood and nutrients.




There is no guarantee it will work for you, but unsolicited letters from satisfied users of THE BACK AID and a 1 year clinical trial showing positive results, are welcome indicators.


It may be that your condition is caused by other factors such as being overweight (sorry, but this alone can place enormous extra pressure on the spine and back muscles, which is why we limit the load weight of THE BACK AID to 100 Kgs maximum). You may be suffering from non-spinal related symptoms. Your condition may be too far advanced for THE BACK AID to help. There are a few cases where the apparatus will not make a jot of difference, BUT, in many cases, we know from the letters we get, that THE BACK AID does help, and in many cases THE BACK AID has changed the lives of people forever.




We always recommend that you consult your Doctor before purchasing THE BACK AID. There may be a perfectly legitimate reason why this product may not suit you. He or she will advise you.




YES! YES! John Pope, over the years, has developed in conjunction with feedback from health professionals, a series of spinal mobility movements which are performed on THE BACK AID. They only take a few seconds each, and are designed to provide relief for many specific ailments related to the upper and lower body.


One aim of THE BACK AID, is to strengthen your global muscle structure. This is the band of muscles that support the lower back and abdomen, these complement the main group you see from the outside.


Imagine the spine being pushed down by body weight, gravity, force exerted from lifting, bending and twisting, and you have a thin column of bone with a gristle like disc substance between the sections of vertebrae, supporting all of these activities. It’s no wonder the spine and the back just says ‘give me a break’, and goes into spasm, or the muscles tear or bruise, or the discs are compressed, where they may bulge out, or the disc fluid leaks. The vertebra is chipped, or growths and spurs can grow due to excessive wear or the effects of arthritis, and you can appreciate the extent of the problems your spine and lower back muscles have to contend with.


THE BACK AID can also assist in providing relief from neck and shoulder tensions – sometimes brought on simply by staring at a computer screen all day.


You may need to exercise your body and back during the day simply because you lead a sedentary life. THE BACK AID is one fabulous workout apparatus for healthy but exercise deprived bodies also.


THE BACK AID ALLOWS YOU TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR BACK PAIN in the comfort of your own home or office – without medication, at any time of the day or night.




Takes 15 minutes and requires just a 13mm spanner (included). The Instruction Sheet, shows the step by step approach which we have tested out, using a couple of young people who have never put anything together before.




You can take THE BACK AID with you wherever you go. Simply remove either a few or all of the bolts (partial or full dis-assembly) and pack it into a holdall or car boot.  Never leave home without it!




Get the boss to buy one for the office, lunch-room or despatch area. Your body works hard during the day. Why not get on-going relief during working hours. After all we are talking only a few minutes off from the daily grind or the desk, so that both your mind and body can be refreshed. 




An introductory price of only $840.00 (inclusive of GST). Add freight ex factory. Pay by direct bank transfer to our account.

We have been told that this product is literally priceless. That people would pay anything to get relief from pain. We are struggling to keep the price down this low for a quality product, and it may have to rise if we sell it through Distributors and stores later, so now is an excellent time to invest in THE BACK AID.


AND don’t forget those family members and friends anywhere in the world who suffer from back pain. Imagine their delight when THE BACK AID lands on their doorstep as a present from you. What better gift could you bestow on anyone, than the gift of good health!




Simply contact King Group of Companies by telephone on 03.9720.0425 (International +61.3.9720.0425) OR,  complete the Back Aid Order Form, which can be sent to us electronically or by fax. You can also e-mail


We will record your details, then determine the freight cost, and ask you to confirm your satisfaction with the price. If you are happy with the final cost, you can pay by direct fund or telegraphic transfer. Then we can send the product, which is shipped in a sturdy cardboard carton, the dimensions of which are 910mm long x 230mm wide a 180mm high and weighs 21 Kgs (just in case you wish to arrange your own freight pick up). Alternatively, you can pick up the product direct from the showroom at 8/15 Stud Rd. Bayswater, Victoria. (We keep factory hours 7.30 – 4 p.m. weekdays only).


Overseas clients can pay only by sending a telegraphic transfer for the total amount to our bank account, which will be supplied upon request.




THE BACK AID has been independently tested to ensure it conforms to the 100 Kg capacity claim we make for it. We guarantee to replace any component that has failed ( but not where abused or had applied too much weight to it ) at no cost to the owner, except that the owner pays for freight costs to and from our factory. This guarantee exists up to twelve months after the date of purchase.

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